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Getting User's Current Plan

In this section, we'll explore how to retrieve the user's current plan using the currentPlan() method.


The currentPlan() method allows you to get the details of the user's current plan. Here's an example of how to use it:

$user = auth()->user();

// Get the user's current plan
$currentPlan = $user->currentPlan();
$user = auth()->user();

// Get the user's current plan
$currentPlan = $user->currentPlan();


  "key": "basic",
  "name": "Basic",
  "price": {
    "monthly": "12",
    "yearly": "129.6"
  "interval": [
  "description": "Basic plan users can create 10 Chirps on per team and Create 5 Teams.",
  "features": [
    "10 Chirps",
    "5 Teams"
  "eligibilities": {
    "max_chirps": 2,
    "max_teams": 5
  "planId": {
    "monthly": "bisic_price_monthly",
    "yearly": "bisic_price_yearly"
  "trialDays": 7,
  "monthlyIncentive": null,
  "yearlyIncentive": "Save 10%"
  "key": "basic",
  "name": "Basic",
  "price": {
    "monthly": "12",
    "yearly": "129.6"
  "interval": [
  "description": "Basic plan users can create 10 Chirps on per team and Create 5 Teams.",
  "features": [
    "10 Chirps",
    "5 Teams"
  "eligibilities": {
    "max_chirps": 2,
    "max_teams": 5
  "planId": {
    "monthly": "bisic_price_monthly",
    "yearly": "bisic_price_yearly"
  "trialDays": 7,
  "monthlyIncentive": null,
  "yearlyIncentive": "Save 10%"


The code above get the current authenticated user and then retrieves their current plan using the currentPlan() method.


After running the code, the $currentPlan variable will contain the user's current plan, or null if no plan is associated with the user.

Note: If the user has an associated plan, the method uses the 'key' attribute of the plan to fetch the complete plan details using the PlanCraft::findPlan() method.