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Installation Guide 🚀

Welcome to the installation guide for Cart! By following these simple steps, you'll have Cart up and running in your Laravel application in no time.

Step 1: Composer Magic ✨

First, let's kick things off with some Composer magic. Open your terminal and run the following command:

composer require realrashid/cart
composer require realrashid/cart

This command will fetch and install Cart along with all its dependencies.

Step 2: Set Up the Foundation 🏗️

Next, we'll publish the Cart scaffolding.

php artisan cart:install
php artisan cart:install

This step sets up Cart in your application, giving you full access to its powerful features.

Step 3: Explore the Power! 💪

Congratulations! Cart is now seamlessly integrated into your Laravel application. You're ready to wield the full potential of cart management. Effortlessly add, remove, and modify items.

You're on the path to revolutionizing your cart management. Delve into the documentation to uncover advanced features and take your Cart experience to the next level.

Happy coding! 🚀

Made with ❤️ from Pakistan