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Applying a Coupon

Applying a coupon to your cart is a great way to offer discounts and promotions to your customers. With the Cart package, you can easily apply coupons to your cart instance. Follow the instructions below to utilize this feature effectively.

Method Signature

Cart::applyCoupon(Coupon $coupon);
Cart::applyCoupon(Coupon $coupon);


cart()->applyCoupon(Coupon $coupon);
cart()->applyCoupon(Coupon $coupon);


  • Parameter: Coupon $coupon - The coupon object to apply.
  • Throws: \Exception - If the coupon is not valid or has expired.
  • Returns: $this - Returns the cart instance to allow method chaining.

Usage Example

Creating and Applying a Percentage Coupon

Create a percentage-based coupon and apply it to the cart instance:

use RealRashid\Cart\Facades\Cart;
use App\Coupons\PercentageCoupon;

// Create a percentage-based coupon with code 'PERCENT20', 20% discount, valid until '2024-12-31'.
$percentageCoupon = new PercentageCoupon('PERCENT20', 20, '2024-12-31');

// Apply the percentage coupon to the 'cart' instance of the Cart class.
use RealRashid\Cart\Facades\Cart;
use App\Coupons\PercentageCoupon;

// Create a percentage-based coupon with code 'PERCENT20', 20% discount, valid until '2024-12-31'.
$percentageCoupon = new PercentageCoupon('PERCENT20', 20, '2024-12-31');

// Apply the percentage coupon to the 'cart' instance of the Cart class.

Creating and Applying a Fixed Amount Coupon

Create a fixed amount coupon and apply it:

use RealRashid\Cart\Facades\Cart;
use App\Coupons\FixedAmountCoupon;

// Create a fixed amount coupon with code 'FIXED10', $10 discount, valid until '2024-12-31'.
$fixedAmountCoupon = new FixedAmountCoupon('FIXED10', 10, '2024-12-31');

// Apply the fixed amount coupon to the 'cart' instance of the Cart class.
use RealRashid\Cart\Facades\Cart;
use App\Coupons\FixedAmountCoupon;

// Create a fixed amount coupon with code 'FIXED10', $10 discount, valid until '2024-12-31'.
$fixedAmountCoupon = new FixedAmountCoupon('FIXED10', 10, '2024-12-31');

// Apply the fixed amount coupon to the 'cart' instance of the Cart class.

Custom Coupon Classes

You can create custom coupon classes by implementing the Coupon interface provided by the Cart package. Here's an example of how to create a fixed amount coupon class:

Example: FixedAmountCoupon Class


namespace App\Coupons;

use RealRashid\Cart\Coupon\Coupon as CouponContract;
use App\Models\Coupon as CouponModel;

class FixedAmountCoupon implements CouponContract
    protected $coupon;

    public function __construct(CouponModel $coupon)
        $this->coupon = $coupon;

    public function getCode(): string
        return $this->coupon->code;

    public function isValid(): bool
        return $this->coupon->isValid();

    public function getDiscountType(): string
        return 'fixed_amount';

    public function getExpiryDate(): string
        return $this->coupon->expiry_date;

    public function getDiscountAmount(): float
        return $this->coupon->amount;

namespace App\Coupons;

use RealRashid\Cart\Coupon\Coupon as CouponContract;
use App\Models\Coupon as CouponModel;

class FixedAmountCoupon implements CouponContract
    protected $coupon;

    public function __construct(CouponModel $coupon)
        $this->coupon = $coupon;

    public function getCode(): string
        return $this->coupon->code;

    public function isValid(): bool
        return $this->coupon->isValid();

    public function getDiscountType(): string
        return 'fixed_amount';

    public function getExpiryDate(): string
        return $this->coupon->expiry_date;

    public function getDiscountAmount(): float
        return $this->coupon->amount;

Coupon Interface

The Cart package provides a Coupon interface that you should implement for your custom coupon classes:


namespace RealRashid\Cart\Coupon;

interface Coupon
     * Get the code of the coupon.
     * @return string
    public function getCode(): string;

     * Check if the coupon is valid.
     * @return bool
    public function isValid(): bool;

     * Get the type of discount ('percentage' or 'fixed_amount').
     * @return string
    public function getDiscountType(): string;

     * Get the expiry date of the coupon.
     * @return \DateTimeInterface|string
    public function getExpiryDate();

     * Get the discount amount.
     * @return float
    public function getDiscountAmount(): float;

namespace RealRashid\Cart\Coupon;

interface Coupon
     * Get the code of the coupon.
     * @return string
    public function getCode(): string;

     * Check if the coupon is valid.
     * @return bool
    public function isValid(): bool;

     * Get the type of discount ('percentage' or 'fixed_amount').
     * @return string
    public function getDiscountType(): string;

     * Get the expiry date of the coupon.
     * @return \DateTimeInterface|string
    public function getExpiryDate();

     * Get the discount amount.
     * @return float
    public function getDiscountAmount(): float;


When you apply a coupon:

  1. Validation: The method checks if the coupon is valid and not expired. If the coupon is not valid, an exception is thrown.
  2. Storage: The applied coupon is stored in the session to ensure that it persists across requests.
  3. Method Chaining: The method returns the cart instance to allow for method chaining.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that the coupon class (PercentageCoupon, FixedAmountCoupon, etc.) is correctly implemented and includes methods to check validity and retrieve discount information.
  • To remove an applied coupon, use the Cart::removeCoupon() method.