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Updating Cart Item Name

You can update the name of an item in the cart using either Cart::updateName() or cart()->updateName() method. This can be useful if you want to provide a more descriptive or updated name for the item.

Method Signature

Cart::updateName(mixed $id, string $name);
Cart::updateName(mixed $id, string $name);


cart()->updateName(mixed $id, string $name);
cart()->updateName(mixed $id, string $name);


  • $id (mixed): The unique identifier of the item you want to update.
  • $name (string): The new name you want to set for the item.


Using Cart::updateName():

use RealRashid\Cart\Facades\Cart;

// Update the name of an item
Cart::updateName(3, 'Updated Product Name');
use RealRashid\Cart\Facades\Cart;

// Update the name of an item
Cart::updateName(3, 'Updated Product Name');

Using cart()->updateName():

// Update the name of an item
cart()->updateName(3, 'Updated Product Name');
// Update the name of an item
cart()->updateName(3, 'Updated Product Name');

In both examples, we're updating the name of the item with ID 3 to 'Updated Product Name'.


  • The $id parameter should be the unique identifier of the item you want to update.
  • The $name parameter should be the new name you want to set for the item.

Remember to replace the sample values in the example with the actual ID and name you want to update.

That's it! You're now equipped to update the names of items in your shopping cart using the Cart package.